Monday, February 7, 2011

Pictures This Week & Some :-)

Well, I have to tell you that I am WAY behind on my posting. Here are my pictures from the last two weeks to get myself updated.

Day 23 - Day 29

Day 23 - Jera's Art Supplies!!
Jera loves to do art; painting, drawing and coloring. She decided it was time to clean out her supplies and organize them (Oh how I love my daughter for organizing :-)

Day 24 - Yearbook Deadline!!
Today was my first yearbook deadline. I will admit, it was REALLY hard to hit the submit button. People keep yearbooks forever, show them to their kids and then to their grandkids. It was VERY important for me to have every page perfect, but I can not tell you if very page was perfect. Because my husband told me stop obsessing about it and just hit the submit button. I guess we will see in June when they arrive.

Day 27 - Day 29 BEACH TRIP!!!
I spent 4 night at the beach with four of the most amazing ladies (Tricia, Sarah, Jodi and Kelly). My next few pictures are just a tiny glimpse of our scrapbook beach get away. There was scrapbooking, shopping, amazing food, fellowship, prayers, crafts, exercise, talking, personality test and a lot of laughing.



Day 30 - Day 36

Day 30-31
My beach trip continued for the next two days :-)


Sarah and I had a basketball game to go to during our trip. Really I can not explain this picture, but it is pretty funny if you were there.

Day 32
Jera received her 2nd quarter report card today. She was very proud of it and I was also very proud of her!!!

Day 33
Today, being the beginning of the new semester, I have new students in my publications class and a couple have left. I am excited for this group, adding a few students makes the workload easier on everyone.

Day 34 - My 6th Grade January Student of the Month: Taris Krutsch

Day 35 - CCS Homecoming 2011


  1. Love the pics and captions Laura! I would have a hard time submitting my pages too, I have a hard enough time hitting publish on a blog post without re-reading over and over AND OVER :)

  2. Yay for organizing! Send Jera to my house:)
